Monday, March 28, 2011

Evaluation class 10 clean power Soap - Sohu woman

    recent years, started blowing soap soap heat wave , only to wash their hands with soap before , but now all major brands of soap began to be listed , and some soap to stimulate much thought , can in fact On the contrary, its cleansing ability ,vibram 5 fingers, but first-class clean Oh!
    Clinique 's Facial Soap ¥ 190/150g
    recommended level : ★ ★ ☆
    Clinique 's oil soap is about a lot of skin, acne skin MM Getting Started millions. It is the first piece of soap with Fanny .
    used to buy the oil that the skin , do not remember a few number. That after washing his face like a layer of sticky film on the skin , clean and place are also considered , but the skin dry, tight , in short, not really. And the soap is too big , too robust , and their use every day are pretty annoying. Use half of the last straw , throw it. Thrown into the trash the moment , was immediately felt relief , no longer have to make the broken stuff friends. ( Do not like the soap JM anger ah )

    KOSE Seikisho Soap ¥ 180/120g
    recommended level : ★ ★ ★ ★
    < p> famous black soap, will say no more. For the dough for this is a good tool for scraping oil . Foam delicate , more abundant , clean and strong , spent the skin is not dry,mac makeup, slightly astringent point , the general degree of moisture ,mac brushes, the dry skin may still feel it right away. This soap will have instant white washed effect may be to some skin effect, thin-skinned , MM caution. With a pretty provincial, can be used for a long time , not as easy as some soap soft soap . Long piece of soap is used ,blackhawks jerseys, no patience , and later I spent a bath .
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