Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm too lazy to lazy to read the books with you lazy

But after half a month's work last night I was like a shiny white toilet paper so white, like fluorescent light!

I was born with darker, and very easy to tan, and now high school friends still call me black - -

almost 22 years, and has never been white! I almost gave up, because in addition to black, my skin is almost no other problems, and think as long as detailed on the line. . But I

white white! ! Inside and outside plus recipe! ! Wait, back to update

First, I found the motivation, that is, I'm in love,mac makeup wholesale! Because it is remote, and we are the students for many years, before he knew me black, for he came back to let him see I am white, I motivated = =

So sisters, we must have a slogan: only lazy women, no black woman (except Africans)

I'm a lazy girl home, but this time for the look, and finally action.

First of all, the meeting:

1 lemonade. Some time ago in early spring, the sun is not, so there is no drinking lemonade sensitive, more black issues. We must remember that the sun big time, do not drink lemonade a day.

short while ago,vibram 5 fingers, I really Kuanghe day. In fact the morning, cut two pieces of fresh lemon, with warm boiled water about to connect to the office to drink, can drink two a day.

Initially, I could see the morning empty stomach. Here to remind sisters: do not drink the lemonade fasting, it is very acid, very stimulating to the stomach. Honey does not work. As for waking up the morning fasting should drink, say below.

big the sun is now, every day I go back to work after dinner, about 7 o'clock, when a large glass of hot drink, to meet the demand of the day.

in short, to white, we should stop and to encourage ourselves to suggest a little something to do every day, even if it is to develop a daily habit of drinking lemonade, is a great satisfaction and sense of achievement .


almond powder and milk every day before going to bed,mac brushes, hot box of Mengniu's High Calcium Low Fat milk, warm when poured into a cup, a cup almond flour and honey . ps a very important point is: whether it is lemon or honey, should use warm water or milk to rinse out, or less effective!

almond flour is a good kind of supermarket to buy the mill, together with honey and milk, is delicious, the smell of almond powder and milk is very tempting!

is the best mix of milk + honey, do not add milk, brown sugar, both relative to the

3 grams of white fungus soup.

before going to bed one hour per day, soak a few small pieces of Tremella. Why Why then should you go, lz is lazy to the Internet every evening watching television turned magazine, and even health are difficult to clean = =. In short soak 1 hour, then go to sleep, poured into rice cooker, porridge function, add cold water rock sugar dates. This is the basic mix. Lz was added papaya, papaya stew Tremella traditional beauty, but to share Oh! Was enhanced, and there are the brown sugar, rock sugar into brown sugar

girl is very good for skin care products, over the years as we once again pay attention to it, and that is good. But do not add milk brown sugar! Stewed white fungus is different, however, that with good Oh, the taste of almost than sugar, but still good.

morning to get up, you can eat. This channel has no whitening effect desserts, I do not know, but a good girl, good for the skin on, because now I lz is not only white, very smooth Oh! !

4 drink on an empty stomach morning

mentioned above, do not drink the lemonade, on the gastrointestinal stimuli. Warm water for a good honey,mac makeup, but the enhanced version of what is it, this is the lz: honey barley water

barley is boiled the night, before the fire to boil, and then text Huoao and a half hours, did not need to add to boil a bowl of water weight on the line. If you like you can add some red dates. Then turn off the heat, so it put it to sleep 啦 ~ ~

morning to get up, open fire in half a minute, barley water warm, and then poured into a cup, add honey and drink. Oh, good taste, honey run internal organs, removing body waste, barley detoxification and drainage, you would think the people are relaxed it appears that if boiled barley water when added dates, as well as the effect of blood ~ they are with the lz there investigation, are not relative to g, no problem ~

the rest of the barley, it can be drained, but a waste Oh, I remember on a secret What lz, brown sugar, white fungus soup, eat every thing in the morning, So after the drinking glass of barley water after the honey, pour the barley fungus inside, you can eat!

5 Tangtangshuishui usual hoard their

lz are: mung beans peanuts, red dates barley seeds wolfberry. I think these are enough.

warm red bean, mung bean and barley cool, peanuts, red blood. Several with good cooking, according to your taste you can mix, well done within the bean barley soup can, but do not drink a continuous long-term, will dysmenorrhea. Period not to drink green bean, red bean and peanut ~ can be seasoned with rock sugar for good, plus dates of any sugar which is also very good ~

2,3 days to boil these Tangtangshuishui that drink 1,2 days .

above is the first part: the diet supplement.

1 almond milk, lemonade 2 3 4 barley, brown sugar, honey, papaya, white fungus soup sugar water 5 beauty rest

update the second part of


1 white vinegar

face when the first drops of a bottle of white vinegar Dao basin, coupled with warm water. And then buried her face in the water dip for a while, the water drained, and then wash with water.

you really will see the changes.

Thank you LZ, almost made a taboo, still give yourself Mengguan lemonade le ~

then they fill a prescription for the MM: 1, licorice, lily of the 10 grams, fried reserve juice; (general pharmacies and large supermarkets)

2, jujube 12, brown sugar (not too sweet), Little Pearl barley (small bowl) plus Jianhao concoction porridge before, cook to thick.

3, hot food, 1-2 times daily.

not only fine white skin is rosy, but also can soothe the nerves Chufan. They say men are eating, sleeping ~ women sleep in the dust on the skin is also very important for ordinary gray Yo ~!

update a way: sooner or white vinegar, the use of Taomi Shui wash your face and adhere to the five days to report the effect of it all, should be quite clear Oh

Also, if the hand claws not white, white vinegar can be dipped in warm water for 5 minutes inside the hot, dry hands, hand cream cast to sleep, next morning you can see the results.

white vinegar is a good thing.

Beijing Tong Ren Tang phoenix on the drug run, and several other brands is the most famous pearl powder looks like the best, buy a bag tomorrow, when a day with whitening lotion with pearl powder plus wipe, and look at effect ~ ~

update a record: the morning wash steps

do not use face wash products, only water to OK! I remember Oh, what's with the facial cleanser morning otherwise would undermine the ability of skin to repair itself, water and oil will be unbalanced. .

morning: + white vinegar with warm water, moist face for a moment. He could feel with cold water, wipe dry. Remember! ! ! ! Make-up water must not be slapped! ! ! ! Equal to zero by hand while making crackling! ! ! The right approach is to use a cotton pad dipped in make-up water, .

evening: warm water + vinegar, dry surface when the first oil with a makeup remover, wash water, and then he could feel the cleanser ~ and then with cold water, wipe dry. Lotion, night cream or something and then use. .

so always add white vinegar with warm water, always use cold water wash and then he could feel the dry, and make-up water, always use a cotton pad and press up, not hand patted. .

my skin is sensitive

mixed acne

there would be a landlord as I also cook beans almond barley grains lily of the foam, but I labeled the night to eat paste

three days to eat a

I feel really good white skin was a

I also recommend a method I prefer

buy a spray bottle of mineral water filling the two 100CC Nongfushangquan I use Evian's

or add 10 drops of olive oil and 2 drops of lavender essential oil the following (I bought Herborist, direct Tu face OK, so add more water, no problem.) and then spray the face slightly at any time after spraying pat dry up acne

whitening can also send my head but the tail hair, an open waist yellow fork are not tied

not believe you know the cost of the next test is cheap but the effect is super good! ~ ~ ~ Hey! ~ ~

Update a record:

sun less fierce white vinegar

on their own experience that, as a little white vinegar will make the skin becomes thin, so that the sun is strong best to reduce the amount of white vinegar a few days.

Similarly, do not scrub or minus one day exposure to the sun.

recommend some:

Xiafei effects by frost: there really white, valid for three days.

Ann cucumber cleanser: clean and not tight, the pores were all very White, with 2 smooth skin feel.

honey lemon butterfly: effects of comparable benefit reportedly pig grease, look over the last buy, just wipe that oil, but after 2 minutes just fine. Compact and refined pores good results.

lanterns almond honey: very good water absorption, making moisture available, painted body and face are very mild.

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