Thursday, March 24, 2011

Top- 07 Note The University language narrative material - into the exam - Zhejiang Online - Test Channel

    1, learning objectives:

    2,vibram 5 fingers, study recommends:
    (1) students in learning must be carefully read text, read the text, read through, skilled master the content within the text. It is very important. Some students rely too much practice, the text did not read the familiar to rush to do it and practice, cart before the horse, not the knowledge to master this course, so the efforts to read the text above.
    (2) on the basis of reading the text, we should carefully understand, and study the text behind the
    (3) should read this part of the back
    3, and difficulty learning points
    specific and difficult points of the text see the text of the
    to grasp the narrative part of the overall focus is to master and flexible use of
    along Syria: In accordance with the sequence of events described. For example, the front to write. Such as
    interleaved: in the narrative process to a halt, insert another section of things, and then things went on the original narrative writing. Such as
    flat Syria: In the article, narrative two or more simultaneous two things. Such as
    portrait Description: The specific description of the appearance of characters,mac brushes, including appearance, attitude, look,
    clothing, etc.
    language to describe: the specific description of character monologues, subtext , say.
    Action Description: The specific description of the behavior and action figures.
    Psychological: The specific description of the idea of ​​character, association, imagination, perception.
    detailed description: the most specific description of the inner world of characters and character to show a small link. Such as
    natural beauty Description: the description of landscape scenery. Such as Such as

    lyric by King; such as
    lyric by management: such as
    s Biography According to legend, the Hengyu for the Spring and Autumn Period written by Lu.
    account of the conflict between Spring and Autumn Period and the struggle among the nations.
    despicable hypocrisy.
    Urgent: several times.
    2, kings of the system, most of the participating countries but one. But: no more than; reference countries: one third of the capital.
    3, subsequently ordered the uncle rustic West, North rustic II to ourselves. II: two genera, and North West rustic rustic village two cities not only to listen to public order, but also listen to a total of tert-paragraph order.
    4, injustice is not Nick, thick will collapse. Nick: close; thickness: land to expand.
    5,mac makeup, uncle finished together, calligraphist Jiabing, a death ride, will hit Zheng. End: Shuji finished. Poly: accumulation; A: armor; pawn: pawns. By: chariot.
    6,blackhawks jerseys, tunnel and each other, who said its not. Tunnel: verb, to dig the tunnel;
    7, States bear II, king of what will be if? Two people of a country can not stand the rule of the king how he would do?
    8, Chiang Ho tired of? Tired: satisfied.
    9, loves his mother, Shi and Zhuang. Facilities: Impacts, promotion.

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