Sunday, March 13, 2011

Alternative housing most of the house upside down to see the world from a different angle - Sohu News

Germany Gaituo Fu, a zoo, the People need to come to play adequately prepared to do that may dizziness, beware of falling objects.


this Longitudinal

house is wood structure, decorated with wood exterior colors, black paint, The house was not much, but kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom are all available.

the entrance doors, Will realize a look into the house not only look the other way round so simple: the house of all things,mac makeup, large bed and wardrobe, small cup dishes, all without the force of gravity as


this Peer to complete.

Manchester Moho

described construction of the Among them, the bathroom is the most difficult part, because should shower, toilet like the Artisans 50 fixed total household items, including beds, tables, microwave ovens and a variety of decorative painting. The heaviest piece of furniture is a large wardrobe with a mirror,nhl hockey, with a total weight of 45 kg.

3 people spent a total of about 3 months to complete the Although hard work, but a craftsman, said: similar houses,vibram 5 fingers, unique.

Poland,mac brushes, a Polish businessman in the construction of the northern town of Rahim reverse Buck House, completed construction of which lasted 114 days. Usually wooden houses can be built only 21 days to complete, but because of the special housing vertigo reverse effect, workers are often confused confused wall of the strange angle, so the work of three hours each will take a rest for 1 hour.

Japan has an This house looks backward As the guests need to eat inside, so the furniture or However, the reverse order to create realistic effects, the restaurant operator installed on the roof of the mouth down the iron, as shade, house, security, exit signs are also upside down, the words on the menu is so upside down. (Jing Jing)

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